Stop sweating! How MBS delivers a real Return on Investment for any business

Technology has changed. You no longer need to buy vast and expensive systems, hoping they will capitalise before their time runs out. One of the greatest investments your business can make is to partner with a trusted Managed Services Provider that offers Managed Business Services (MBS).

No matter if you are a one-person shop of a vast enterprise, MBS can take care of the operational fine points among your technology and business services. It’s not a cost, but an investment – a real return on investment that opens up cash flow and employee productivity.

Let’s look at how MBS can deliver on this ROI promise:

MBS makes technology issues someone else’s problem

If you order a meal at a restaurant and it doesn’t meet your expectations, what do you do? Do you rush to the kitchen and slap it back onto the grill? Of course not. You call the waiter and point out the issue, fully expecting them to resolve it. If they fail to, it’s entirely reasonable not to pay for the meal.

Yet it is often exactly what companies don’t do when their technology underperforms. Slow servers, faulty internet connection and a myriad of technical problems are written off as part of the course. The problems aren’t solved because the IT guys are already busy, so everyone just tries to get used to the lag.

This is unacceptable and entirely unnecessary. If IT services are handed to a trusted Managed Services Provider, it’s their duty to ensure you get the best performance, as stipulated by service level agreements. Your own IT staff can focus on technology that grows the business and your people can work without cursing slow systems. Above all, you will always be able to know what the return of investment on your technology is.

MBS handles the vendors for you

The operational technology of your business is very important. It keeps the lights on and ensures your employees are able to do their jobs without hindrances. The traditional role of internal IT staff was to keep those systems in good shape, but this has changed.

Today’s IT teams are best focused on driving business value, innovating services and processes alongside the business people. But this means they can scarcely afford to split their efforts elsewhere, such as talking to vendors to introduce system upgrades and improvements. Doing so takes up valuable time and resources.

While it is important your business and IT teams are on the pulse of these developments, the right Managed Services Provider does all the heavy lifting. They stay abreast of vendor developments and ensure that the right systems are available for your company’s unique strategy, including your ROI expectations. Through MBS, keeping up with the technology Joneses isn’t your headache, just your gain.

MBS gives you flexibility and scale

You may often hear talk that all companies today are software companies? What does that mean? Simply put, your business’ success hinges on the effectiveness of the software your employees rely on. The ability to optimise and customise that software to align with your processes is critically important for your success.

But the old days of buying one system and sitting on it have passed. Today’s systems are dynamic and offer opportunities when you are ready for them. In order to grab those opportunities, you need to be ready and flexible. You need to know your systems can scale and accommodate the new innovations.

Traditionally this was bypassed by throwing money at the problem. You overbought on technology and hoped you secured enough headroom for those expansions. But today you can get just what you need, at the right price. To do so, rely on the expertise of a Managed Services Provider such as ITEC. We can help you find the right capacity at the right time, keeping your business flexible and scalable without impeding its ability to move forward.

MBS is more secure and compliant

What items feature regularly on your risk register? When it involves technology, cyber crime and data loss are definite fixtures. So is compliance, which is increasingly closely linked to the right technology environments. Yet these areas are fraught with pitfalls, as they are complex and often do not concern the core activities of your business.

You are not in the business of security and data protection, nor compliance. These are all necessary for a successful business, but they need not be resource drains. Instead of putting your best and brightest on the task, a managed service provider such as ITEC has the right solutions.

Security, data protection and compliance is the business of MBS. Domain experts and specialists ponder and plan all the fine details, aligning them with your strategy and culture. So when something does go wrong, such as a data crash, a Business Continuity plan will already be in place to bring things back online in no time. When audit season rolls in, you can breathe easily, knowing your systems not only comply, but also deliver results as and when they are needed.

The answer is obvious: Managed Business Services equate a serious and tangible return on investment. Remove the guesswork, cut out the dead wood and make sure your technology investments deliver on their promises – and when they don’t, make it your managed services provider’s problem. That is the ITEC promise.


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