Industries big and small.
In the agricultural sector, there is a consistent, urgent need for reliable internet connectivity that matches the bandwidth requirements of the systems they are running.
In the construction sector, there is a consistent, urgent need for reliable internet connectivity that matches the bandwidth requirements of the systems they are running.
The education sector is fluid and agile, with both infrastructure and content changing at a rapid pace. Itec’s solutions allow for this agility in providing a robust framework that supports processes rather than dictating them.
In the hospitality sector, there is a consistent, urgent need for reliable security systems for staff and customers as well as customer communications that enable seamless and helpful communication between host and guest.
Itec provides solutions that work with the requirements of the legal industry. Data is secure and encrypted, communication is mobile and access controlled, and office tasks are streamlined and automated as much as possible.
For Manufacturing Facilities, Itec’s platform allows for a customisable solution that meets the demands of different applications, including: security, quality control and occupational health and safety.
In the mining sector, there is a consistent, need for reliable internet connectivity that matches the bandwidth requirements of the systems they are running. They also require effective surveillance systems to monitor extremely hostile environments.