In case you missed it …
Itec Evolve Interview – Mix FM 9.38 – 14/09/2020
We were recently interviewed by Al Smith on his afternoon drivetime show on Mix FM. Gavin Meyer (Executive Director at Itec SA), Nick East (Sales Director at Itec Evolve) and Esti Kilian (Head of Business Development, Itec SA) shared with listeners Itec’s origins, what the Itec of things is, the current remote working landscape and how Itec helped their customers during these challenging times, and much more.
Listen to the Itec Evolve Interview
Mix FM 9.38 – 14/09/2020
We randomly picked the winner of the Lexmark printer. Al Smith phoned te winner during his afternoon drivetime show on MixFM on 18/09/2020
- Bobbie Brummer
- Nova Chocolate